Tweets to Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie

Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie
Portland, Oregon
@UnitedChurch Clergy | @PacificUCPAS Director | @PacificU Chaplain & Asst Prof | DMin, @CTS_Chicago | MDiv, @EdenSeminary | Views are my own, of course.
Tweets to this user:
Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)'s avatar
From @TeamTrump
We launched a new website designed to help the President’s supporters win arguments with liberal friends, relatives…
PlayTheTrumpCard ⚡️ Text TRUMP to 88022's avatar
From @PlaysTrumpCard
@TeamTrump Hope the admins of the site add the Charlottesville "fine people" hoax, the mocking disabled hoax, and t…
Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie's avatar
From @RevChuckCurrie
@TeamTrump Donald Trump doesn't want you to celebrate the birth of Jesus this #Christmas . His campaign hopes you’l…
Big Kisses's avatar
From @BigKisses3
@RevChuckCurrie @TeamTrump My father didn’t speak to me for a year because I believe in climate change. What has ha…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PlaysTrumpCard: actually, the "Snowflake" site does mention kids in alleged "cages". If any of your leaders had the smarts & the integrity, they could use that to undercut Trump to his base.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Left are as vile etc etc as right, as Currie shows. There are smart anti-"Snowflakes" arguments. Currie can't make them. MT @BigKisses3 [supposed victim of extreme partisanship] MT @RevChuckCurrie Trump doesn't want you to celebrate the birth of Jesus this #Christmas...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RevChuckCurrie: "welcoming the stranger" is a pro-Big Biz talking point that'd reduce U.S. wages, keep some Americans out of college, *and* harm developing countries via braindrain. Is it that you can't figure that out, or lack morality to care? #MerryChristmas #resist
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Grain of poison -> MT @RevChuckCurrie [a Franklin_Graham] ...Trump doesn’t understand the Christian faith. Jesus, born homeless and displaced, welcomed the stranger. Embraced the sick. Came to free all from oppression. Mr. Trump rejects all this. He does not #MAGA
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
@RevChuckCurrie @scomarsh @jamescolten: #immigration policies of @Sojourners types *increase* border deaths. Got guilt? #Christian #Catholic