Tweets to Sean Patrick Maloney

Sean Patrick Maloney's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Sean Patrick Maloney
Cold Spring, NY
Representing NY’s 18th Cong’l Dist. Husband & dad w/ 3 amazing kids. Goal is to remain adult in Washington. Working on Intel to keep USA safe & free. 🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈
Tweets to this user:
Drea Thorn's avatar
From @drea_thorn
@RepSeanMaloney @TheLastWord @Lawrence @MSNBC Great questioning of Ambassador Taylor about his extraordinary military service!! Thank you.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@drea_thorn: your bio says you're a lawyer. Do you think everyone in the courtroom agrees with you and only make arguments that appeal to them? Or, do you realize you have to change minds? @RepSeanMaloney isn't smart enough to change minds or even realize the necessity of it.
Sean Patrick Maloney's avatar
From @RepSeanMaloney
Long day of testimony on Capitol Hill. Lots for the American public to unpack. Hear my take now on @TheLastWord wit…
Stephanie Keegan's avatar
From @warsnotover
@RepSeanMaloney @TheLastWord @Lawrence @MSNBC You killed it today! So proud of you!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@warsnotover: you know how you reject anything Don Trump Jr says? Everything @RepSeanMaloney, CNN, etc say is like that for MAGA: they just reinforce Trump's Deep State/Fake News campaign with his base. They lack smarts to undercut that campaign even if they had it as a goal.
Rep. Jacky Rosen's avatar
From @RepJackyRosen
I’m supporting @RepSeanMaloney’s effort to invalidate the @FCC’s ruling that rescinded #NetNeutrality
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RepJackyRosen: #NetNeutrality was easy to promote, by engaging Pai etc in debate a la Matthew Petersen. Obviously, #MoveOn couldn't do that because they're strict authoritarians who reject debate. When will you demand *real* (not 'do as I say') debate about the issue? #Nevada