Tweets to Nick Gillespie

Nick Gillespie's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Nick Gillespie
New York, NY
Editor at Large @reason. Instagram: gillespienick. Host, The Reason Interview with Nick Gillespie ( Rated "mostly true" by Politifact.
Tweets to this user:
Ajit Pai's avatar
From @AjitPaiFCC
Already in 2020, a dad joke has been deployed to some—well, none, really—acclaim. Two rock collectors are hunting…
Ajit Pai's avatar
From @AjitPaiFCC
Second dad joke deployed this evening. Groans, but I am fairly sure they masked amusement. Some animals start pla…
Nick Gillespie's avatar
From @nickgillespie
@AjitPaiFCC Delete your account.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I wouldn't even joke about that since DYAers are serious & strongly support censorship. When are you going to call Ajit to his face on video on the huge flaws in his plans (& not just ones that cost Koch $)? RT @nickgillespie [to @AjitPaiFCC "dad joke"] Delete your account.
Joel Berger's avatar
From @joelaberger
@nickgillespie @Popehat @SarahBurris @RawStory This will have no affect on Trump or Navarro at all. It is so brazen…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Indeed. But, it does show yet again how easy it is for those owned by Koch (Gillespie) to rile up libs to support anti-American NeoLiberal trade policies. MT @joelaberger ["Ron Vara"] will have no affect on Trump or Navarro at all MT @nickgillespie [Koch BS]
Nick Gillespie's avatar
From @nickgillespie
This story that Trump advisor Peter Navarro made up a fake source in multiple books is shocking and should lead to…
Kate's avatar
From @Mamaofthreebear
@nickgillespie @Popehat @SarahBurris @RawStory Maybe John Barron could fire him.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Mamaofthreebear: your "Ron Vara" joke aside, how does it feel to be a Koch stooge? @nickgillespie is owned lock, stock, and barrel by Koch. He harps on Vara to enable anti-American NeoLiberal policies (free trade/globalism/loose borders) that help Big Biz harm workers.
Nick Gillespie's avatar
From @nickgillespie
.@TuckerCarlson says that @IlhanMN doesn't have a right to criticize America because she emigrated here. @conor64 a…
Ó'Dubhthaigh's avatar
From @TheOneRuler
@nickgillespie @TuckerCarlson @IlhanMN @conor64 @DanBuk4 He didn't say she can't criticize it.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TheOneRuler: @nickgillespie & @conor64 are both servants of billionaires (Koch & Mrs. Steve Jobs respectively). They only eat because they push the pro-Big Biz policies (free trade, loose borders, globalism) their benefactors order them to push.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
"Mike Pompeo Praises Climate Change in the Arctic as ‘New Opportunities for Trade’" I let my #HuffPost satire site go, but I had a similar post where @UpWithLiberty - the real account for @nickgillespie - pushed #GlobalWarming as a profit opportunity. #MAGA #resist #libertarian
Bill Mitchell's avatar
From @mitchellvii
We need: 1) National Voter ID w/ picture, thumb print and pin number. 2) No more absentee voting unless you are le…
Mont D. Law's avatar
From @montdlaw
@mitchellvii "Where are your papers?" How very Teutonic.
Newman's avatar
From @deplorablenuman
@montdlaw @mitchellvii Believe it or not, immigration laws were enforced by practically all civilized countries way before there were Nazis.
Support @GenFlynn⭐⭐⭐@codeofvets's avatar
From @boy12_jimmy
@mitchellvii @EddieSlatten No voting accepted after election. All mail in/military ballots due 7 days verified & co…
ElectionBabe's avatar
From @ElectionBabe
@boy12_jimmy @mitchellvii @EddieSlatten I thought the right was supposed to be the party of limited federal government.
Support @GenFlynn⭐⭐⭐@codeofvets's avatar
From @boy12_jimmy
@ElectionBabe @mitchellvii @EddieSlatten It is and has been preached that way. Limited government is being effectiv…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mitchellvii says "we need" a "National Voter ID w/ picture, thumb print and pin number." Hey @nickgillespie, it's almost like Trump & his leading fans are creepy authoritarians, and all those who enabled them or refused to do smart things to stop him are responsible too.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump will be very benevolent. #MAGA #resist MT @boy12_jimmy Limited government is being effectively put in place by Trump as he can. Now though, he is fighting/removing Deep State/Swamp. After their prosecution, then focus will be on infrastructure of country and government.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@deplorablenuman: Trump could easily & permanently reduce illegal #immigration & stop amnesty just by really pressing Dem leaders on smart arguments that'd undercut them to their base. Trump won't do that because he supports amnesty (see his Daily Caller interview). #MAGA?
Eric Sturrock's avatar
From @EricSturrock
Come on @KennedyNation how can you do @GovGaryJohnson like that. Not cool. @MattWelch @nsarwark @nickgillespie
Nicholas Sarwark's avatar
From @nsarwark
@EricSturrock @KennedyNation @GovGaryJohnson @MattWelch @nickgillespie Not cool.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Hot libertarian stooge on libertarian stooge action. Kennedy is to libertarianism as Milano is to liberalism. Johnson supports mass #immigration & child labor because he had a janitorial business. MT @EricSturrock Come on @KennedyNation how can you do @GovGaryJohnson like that
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@nsarwark: @govgaryjohnson is an Everest summiter & endurance athlete. He knows PR is smaller than CT & getting teams to all settlements should have been done in hours (helos+hiking, mostly downhill). Eastcoasters / city fellers present PR as forbidding when it isn't...
Judson McCulloch's avatar
From @JudsonMcCulloch
@nickgillespie @reason @nytimes I'll talk about it. If you have unsolved issues you don't take on more. That's ju…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JudsonMcCulloch: when @nickgillespie says "Immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans", what's the proper response?
Nick Gillespie's avatar
From @nickgillespie
Blinded by xenophobic rage, the GOP and conservatives are calling for the creation of the very surveillance state t…
Kevin O'Brien's avatar
From @kobrien_scribe
@nickgillespie @nytimes I’d like to see immigration laws enforced dispassionately and fairly. That doesn’t equate to xenophobic rage.
JJ's avatar
From @JJhkYank
@nickgillespie @reason @nytimes It’s secured borders not “closed borders’, and enforcing the law not xenophobia; an…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JJhkYank: see If you really care about these issues, then evaluate why those like you weren't helping me when I showed Gillespie etc wrong 100s of times & got vilely smeared. Those like you - if not you personally - are scum.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@kobrien_scribe: Breitbart comments are 99% "xenophobic rage". Real leaders educate, channel that into healthy, smart, big tent avenues such as undercutting Gillespie & other Koch hacks using big tent arguments. Demagogues like Trump just rile up #MAGA, *helping* Koch hacks.
Ed K's avatar
From @edkrayewski
Never heard of em
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@edkrayewski: here's a non-me site on #Koch bros & #Reason Magazine: Open book exam: in 2011 did @NickGillespie present David Koch joining with Soros to give the ACLU $10 million (each) as a good thing, yes or no? #MAGA
