Tweets to mollyswordmcdonough

mollyswordmcdonough's avatar
Twitter handle: 
pennington, nj
molly sword mcdonough, Biden2020, former concert producer, founder The BrookTangle Foundation, dogs, politics, music, books, Rutgers, NJ
Tweets to this user:
mollyswordmcdonough's avatar
From @mollysmcdonough
@peterbakernyt WHAT?!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mollysmcdonough: you know how Trump never engages someone's actual argument? @peterbakernyt acts just like that. Trump has a point about some LPRs/citizens of all origins who have more loyalty to their group than their country. By just doing shtick, Baker *helps* Trump.
Washington Post Opinions's avatar
From @PostOpinions
I like Elizabeth Warren. Too bad she’s a hypocrite, writes @GovEdRendell
Rose-Marie Holt ✌️💖🌺✊'s avatar
From @Rose_Marie_Holt
@PostOpinions @GovEdRendell Stop this
mollyswordmcdonough's avatar
From @mollysmcdonough
@PostOpinions @GovEdRendell @GovEdRendell is a sexist old white guy who has been trotted out as a Biden surrogate t…
Rose-Marie Holt ✌️💖🌺✊'s avatar
From @Rose_Marie_Holt
@PostOpinions @GovEdRendell So is he humping for Biden? How disappointing.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Rose_Marie_Holt: @GovEdRendell calls Liz Warren a "hypocrite". In most cases, hypocrisy is a logical fallacy (note Hannity harping on it). On policy - where things actually matter - Warren is very pro-Big Biz on immigration. Rendell daren't mention that.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Does your phone have an irony filter? MT @mollysmcdonough @GovEdRendell is a sexist old white guy...
Joe Yerardi's avatar
From @JoeYerardi
The FEC can no longer: Conduct meetings Issue fines Make rules Conduct audits Vote on the outcome of invest…
mollyswordmcdonough's avatar
From @mollysmcdonough
@JoeYerardi @John_Tedesco Just the way the Trump administration wants it. Unbelievable.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mollysmcdonough: Trump kneecapping the FEC isn't "unbelievable", it's par for the Trump course. Those like @JoeYerardi have constantly shown how incredibly incompetent they are. Trump's very dim, but #TheResistance has only ever been even dimmer.
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Hello from the DC courthouse, where Roger Stone has a motions hearing at 10am. What will the judge have to say abou…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Stone's motion hearing is underway — they'll be talking about Stone's motion to suppress evidence and a discovery m…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Jackson says she "may or may not" get to the govt's motion to modify Stone's release conditions re: compliance with…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Re: motion to suppress evidence seized, Jackson asks why SCOTUS precedent doesn't apply that says evidence is okay…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Buschel is arguing that govt/warrant affiants should have known that it was false that WikiLeaks received hacked DN…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Buschel acknowledges that the US intel report speaks to "high confidence" in assessment that Russians were involved…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
But Jackson goes back to her original Q, asking what in the warrant applications — which say they rely on the US in…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Pressed by Jackson, Buschel says what they're arguing is it was reckless for the government, in seeking search warr…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Buschel recites their theories questioning the IC's assessment of Russia's involvement, but Jackson keeps coming ba…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Govt atty Aaron Zelinsky is up. Jackson asks if the govt plans to prove, or needs to prove, that Russia was involve…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Zelinsky says the IC assessment was correct and points to "voluminous" evidence that came out of Mueller's investig…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Zelinsky argues that even if Russia wasn't involved in the DNC hack, the warrants still contain info that Stone was…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Zelinsky: "It is a sideshow and it is an attempt to throw smoke up on the underlying issues of this case" — the und…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Re: Stone's motion to discover the unredacted CrowdStrike report, Stone's atty Bruce Rogow concedes govt represente…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
We're now onto the govt's contention that Stone violated the judge's order restricting what he can say publicly abo…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
The judges recites the history of what got us here, and notes that she's regularly granted Stone's motions to trave…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Jackson asks Rogow if her order was unclear. Rogow chuckles at first (the judge is not laughing) and says no, it wa…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
The judge asks if Stone sent a text message to BuzzFeed News (full disclosure: it was to me) saying Michael Cohen's…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Rogow says he doesn't recall communicating with Stone about Stone's text to BuzzFeed News about Michael Cohen's tes…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
The judge is asking Rogow about various Stone posts on Instagram, such as one suggesting Stone was framed (…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Judge is still listing Instagram posts. She asks about a 5/8 post about an order to see unredacted parts of the Mue…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
A bit surreal to hear the judge read these posts aloud. From 5/8: "The Judge has ruled but @Politico gets most of t…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Rogow says that, yes, Stone is using social media to communicate about what is happening in his case, but argues he…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Jackson asks about Stone's reposting of an article about his case, and Rogow says that shouldn't violate the order,…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Rogow says Stone isn't doing anything that would impact the ability to get a fair trial. Jackson says that's not th…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Jackson asks what she should do in light of everything she's presented that Stone has posted. Rogow says to let the…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Rogow is done. He concludes: "I undersand how one can look at them and come to a conclusion that, yes, they were ei…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
AUSA Jonathan Kravis is up. Jackson asks what he thinks she should do. Kravis says at least clarify the original or…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Rogow in his reply says he'd like the judge to consider doing away with the gag order entirely, and Jackson says he…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Roger Stone's hearing is back in session after a roughly hour-long recess, Judge Amy Berman Jackson is on the bench
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Jackson says the clarity of her Feb. 21 order is "undisputed," but "it didn’t take a week before the defendant was…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
The judge then notes that Stone and his lawyers were arguing against a gag order in February at a time when they kn…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Jackson says the book flap didn't "augur well" for Stone's future compliace. She said the "Who framed Roger Stone p…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
NOW: The judge has found that Roger Stone is in violation of his release conditions and her media contacts order
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Jackson says Stone "plainly" is seeking attention, and potentially trying to prompt a reaction from the judge: "It…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
NOW: Finding a violation of her previous order, the judge has ordered that Roger Stone may no longer post on Instag…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
BREAKING: Roger Stone has been ordered to stop posting on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter — on any subject — after…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Per a judge's order today, which expands an earlier gag order, Roger Stone cannot: - Post anything on Instagram, Fa…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
The judge didn't think it was necessary to get into the more serious territory of whether she should hold Stone in…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
But the judge made clear her disdain for what Stone had been up to, saying she once again was being forced to addre…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
To answer a Q bouncing around out there: The judge today only referenced Instagram, Facebook, and Instagram as the…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Here's the judge's full order barring Roger Stone from posting "on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook in any way on an…
Zoe Tillman's avatar
From @ZoeTillman
Two hours after the judge barred Roger Stone from posting on Instagram (, his wife posted a…
mollyswordmcdonough's avatar
From @mollysmcdonough
@ZoeTillman Roger Stone with the big “Screw You” to the court, the judge and the rule of law. Roger Stone should be locked up. Now.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mollysmcdonough: you & @ZoeTillman want to silence Roger Stone. He blocked me for repeatedly showing him wrong, but I wouldn't want to silence him. His ideas aren't a threat; quashing dissent is an incredibly dangerous threat.