Tweets to Molly Olmstead

Molly Olmstead's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Molly Olmstead
Staff writer @Slate.
Tweets to this user:
Apocalypse is Unveiling's avatar
From @LewisEverett3
Molly Olmstead's avatar
From @MollyOlmstead
@LewisEverett3 Working on having this account taken down!
Yvonne Burton Jesus is King!'s avatar
From @_YvonneBurton
@MollyOlmstead @LewisEverett3 He tagged your real account, this is confusing...what fake account?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@_YvonneBurton: more recently, @mollyolmstead falsely claims birthright citizenship is "enshrined in the Constitution". She enables corrupt scammers selling birth tourism trips (something LAT etc have exposed years before Trump) just cuz if Trump's fer it, she's agin it.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@dankois: hey Dan, I left 3 comments on the @mollyolmstead Rapinoe post & all were ghosted. Ghosting is a sneaky, cowardly tactic that shows yet again that Slate isn't credible: you're lying to your users in the comments as you do in the posts. Will you correct your behavior?
Molly Olmstead's avatar
From @MollyOlmstead
This story is so good. Definitely worth a read.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Fake journos are great at "beat sweeteners", "job sweeteners", etc. Some - perhaps you - are ordered to do it. I'll be compiling fake journos' piffle tweets & counting how many are such piffle. MT @MollyOlmstead This story is so good. Definitely worth a read. [Slate link]