Tweets to Matt Gaetz

Matt Gaetz's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Matt Gaetz
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Florida man proudly serving the First District in Congress. “He’s a machine...handsome and going places” says @realDonaldTrump #OpenGaetz
Tweets to this user:
Jennifer Rubin's avatar
From @JRubinBlogger
He is going to lie, endangering Americans rather than admit we have a national emergency. R's who go along with thi…
Ken Carroll's avatar
From @Crumlinfinglas
@JRubinBlogger Indeed. Just watch @SteveScalise @GOPLeader @mattgaetz @tedcruz lie, lie and gaslight, demonstrating…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Crumlinfinglas: @JRubinBlogger has the access to really press Cruz/Gaetz/Scalise/etc on tough questions that'd expose *to their base* the flaws in the admin response. She refuses to do that but instead just cowardly blogs her musings. By enabling her, you *help* Trump.
Matt Gaetz's avatar
From @mattgaetz
This article is instantly one of my favorite things. Whatcha say @aoc? Wanna legalize some cannabis with me?…
CIV's avatar
From @whoisciv
@mattgaetz @RepMattGaetz @AOC Notice how many supposedly tough guys like Matt are extremely interested in and alway…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@whoisciv: @AOC is extremely vulnerable because she's extremely pro-Big Biz on immigration. She'd give WalMart, U.S. Chamber, & the Koch bros all the cheap labor they want. Both you & @mattgaetz don't want to mention that: you're both NeoLiberals at heart.
Cuomo Prime Time's avatar
From @CuomoPrimeTime
GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz to @ChrisCuomo:"Sometimes tough talk works, its worked in some other places." Cuomo: "Well, so…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CuomoPrimeTime: hey Chris, here are a couple questions you can ask @mattgaetz next time. These would actually put him on the spot, unlike what you ask him now.
🇺🇸@PradRachael🇺🇸🇮🇹  -'s avatar
From @PradRachael
RT @iwillhavemyday: . Thank you @mattgaetz , finally someone trying to do something about the unfair censorship of #Conservatives on Twitte…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Twitter heavily censors liberals replying to Gaetz; see my pinned tweet for the data. Making it all about cons helps Twitter. MT @PradRachael MT @iwillhavemyday: blag vas @mattgaetz, finally someone trying to do something about the unfair censorship of #Conservatives on #Twitter