Tweets to Madeleine Carlisle

Madeleine Carlisle's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Madeleine Carlisle
New York, NY
reporter @TIME | formerly @theatlantic | jersey girl
Tweets to this user:
Marsha McLeod's avatar
From @marshamcleod_TO
1/ Since its creation last year, Wellpath has become the largest provider of health care in America’s jails. But no…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@marshamcleod_TO: hey Marsha, is @maddiecarlisle2 blogging about an 18-year-old Trudeau pic what you'd call investigative journalism? Is what we need more Race Warrior Enforcers like Maddie, or for reporters to finally live up to their mythologizing & ask tough policy questions?
Madeleine Carlisle's avatar
From @maddiecarlisle2
Today is my first day as a reporter for @TIME! Apologies in advance for all the TIME-related puns I'll undoubtably make all the... time.
Rachel Strodel's avatar
From @RachelJStrodel
@maddiecarlisle2 @TIME
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RachelJStrodel: @maddiecarlisle2 blogs about something Justin Trudeau did 18 years ago. There are lots of things someone who pretends to be a real reporter could do: really press Trump proxies on the huge flaws in Trump's policies, etc. Maddie's just a worthless PC Enforcer.