Tweets to Mabel&max

Mabel&max's avatar
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Me and max! Real estate broker with a very special pooch. Born a Republican! Love God! Love my son! Love old rock& roll, blues,country. Florida is SWEEEET!
Tweets to this user:
wanda mason's avatar
From @jrc813jr
RT @mabel_max: @24AheadDotCom_ @sawsharee @MPhotog100 Face it, he's a deadbeat! He doesn't pay any1 until he's sued! Fl judge ordered him 2…
MiaMarie's avatar
From @WahcaMia
RT @mabel_max: @24AheadDotCom_ @sawsharee @MPhotog100 Face it, he's a deadbeat! He doesn't pay any1 until he's sued! Fl judge ordered him 2…
The Gantt Guy's avatar
From @TheGanttGuy
RT @mabel_max: @24AheadDotCom_ @sawsharee @MPhotog100 Face it, he's a deadbeat! He doesn't pay any1 until he's sued! Fl judge ordered him 2…
Sawsharee's avatar
From @sawsharee
RT @mabel_max: @24AheadDotCom_ @sawsharee @MPhotog100 Face it, he's a deadbeat! He doesn't pay any1 until he's sued! Fl judge ordered him 2…