Tweets to Lyman Expand the House Stone, AKA 石來民

Lyman Expand the House Stone, AKA 石來民's avatar
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Lyman Expand the House Stone, AKA 石來民
Hong Kong
石來民 Lutheran. Husband. Kentuckian. Economist #PackTheHouse. 1 Billion Americans or bust. @DemographicNTEL @FDRLST @FamStudies @AEI lymanrstone at gmail dot com
Tweets to this user:
Lyman Expand the House Stone, AKA 石來民's avatar
From @lymanstoneky
It’s important to understand that censorship and pervasive propaganda result in political elites who have woefully…
chris nunneley's avatar
From @CeoNunneley
@lymanstoneky @galenward You make a great point. Censorship shuts down the feedback loop. Without good feedback, yo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
US/UK MSM bloggers are some of the biggest fans of censorship. Twitter heavily censors opponents replying to everyone from Ajit Pai to Rouhani. What are you doing about it? MT @CeoNunneley You make a great point. Censorship shuts down the feedback loop... MT @lymanstoneky
Lyman Expand the House Stone, AKA 石來民's avatar
From @lymanstoneky
RT @senatorshoshana: IT'S HAPPENING. CONSERVATIVES ARE WAKING UP!!! American conservatives must speak to those who live in America’s citi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@lymanstoneky @senatorshoshana: if cons try to secede again, no one's going to stop them. Cons greatly harm USA. E.g., most Ameircans oppose SJWs, but few act on it lest they be confused with being cons. Cons likewise help censorship & amnesty. Please just go away.
High Desert Deplorable's avatar
From @TTP_ThatsMe
@24AheadDotCom_ @lymanstoneky @senatorshoshana
Lyman Expand the House Stone, AKA 石來民's avatar
From @lymanstoneky
I never said it was! I said demeaning Africa’s pre-colonial institutions is racist!
Stay home, don't go out, wash your hands 🐇's avatar
From @Noahpinion
@lymanstoneky Lyman, are you arguing with people again?
Lyman Expand the House Stone, AKA 石來民's avatar
From @lymanstoneky
@Noahpinion .....yeah
Stay home, don't go out, wash your hands 🐇's avatar
From @Noahpinion
@lymanstoneky Dear, what have I told you about arguing with people on Twitter.
Lyman Expand the House Stone, AKA 石來民's avatar
From @lymanstoneky
@Noahpinion But they’re saying bad things about Africa
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@lymanstoneky: a while back, Noahpinion said "the Right" is against #immigration. He doesn't know that a major push for mass/illegal immigration & amnesty comes from r/w groups like Big Biz, U.S. Chamber, Adelson, Koch, etc. Use that to undercut him to his fans.