Tweets to Lou Céspedes

Lou Céspedes's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Lou Céspedes
Very close
Candidate City Council 45th District 2021. Writer for Caribbean Times, Builder, Urban Strategist. Pro Biz, Mentoring & Education Alternatives. Jeremiah 9 v.12
Tweets to this user:
Ben Feuerherd's avatar
From @benfeuerherd
New —> NYPD cop allegedly suited up in a ski mask and bullet proof vest and robbed a Bronx man of a bag full of wee…
Lou Céspedes's avatar
From @loufor45
@benfeuerherd If true, who’s surprised?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@loufor45: now, @benfeuerherd blogs "DOJ to probe if sanctuary cities are breaking the law by shielding immigrants." They're illegal aliens; "immigrant" is a lie. Ben's owned by Murdoch - a big amnesty fan - so he supports Trump's ineffective moves on immigration.