Tweets to Linda

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Ret RN, Christian, Grandma,Dgt of WWII Navy Vet dec'd, Uncle WW11 Navy Vet, Son Army MP Vet, Grdson German Army Paratrooper, Bro Army Viet Nam Vet, Cuz Ret AF
Tweets to this user:
Linda's avatar
From @linda_solka
RT @NumbersUSA: The Rubio-Schumer-Obama amnesty in 2013 would've granted amnesty to 11 million & TRIPLED #immigration #GOPdebate https://t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@linda_solka @tcotlatino @LLH713: NumbersUSA is just a scam outfit. They refuse to do all they could to stop Obama's immigration agenda.
Linda's avatar
From @linda_solka
RT @VJMachiavelli: @AnnCoulter why don't u run for office, instead of talk talk talk, run, run, run,
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@linda_solka @VJMachiavelli: Coulter is all talk. She could have helped stop amnesty months ago, but she refused. Selling books is her goal