Tweets to Lesley AbravanelšŸ†˜

Lesley AbravanelšŸ†˜'s avatar
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Lesley AbravanelšŸ†˜
Florida, USA
NY-grown, FL-tanned, scribe, word nerd, TV junkie, game show champ, yenta, wife, twin mama, hot sauce collector, Bloody Mary maven &, says @NYPost, savvy gadfly
Tweets to this user:
Vice President Mike Pence's avatar
From @VP
Honored to serve as @POTUS Trumpā€™s Vice President these past two years, working to deliver historic results for theā€¦
HealthcareCostsUnsustainable's avatar
From @HUnsustainable
@VP @POTUS I believe there were a couple other ā€œpromisesā€ like taking on the pharmaceutical companies and fixing heā€¦
Lesley AbravanelšŸ†˜'s avatar
From @lesleyabravanel
@VP @realDonaldTrump @POTUS You get the number one fangirl award, @VP Pence, you pitiful closet dweller. #PenceKnew
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@HUnsustainable: Trump, Pence, & MAGA don't care about your concerns. If you want to force them to change, you have to undercut Trump/Pence on things MAGA cares about. That means pointing out to MAGA how incredibly pro-amnesty Trump & Pence are.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
So, you're trying to portray Pence as gay and as something bad. Do your likely publishers know you think gay = bad? I'll help them learn that's what you think. MT @lesleyabravanel You get the number one fangirl award, @VP Pence, you pitiful closet dweller.