Tweets to Andrew C Laufer, Esq

Andrew C Laufer, Esq's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Andrew C Laufer, Esq
New York City
Civil Rights Atty - Justice Is Blind,But I'm Not - Police Brutality, False Arrest, Malicious Prosecution, BOD of NYS Trial Lawyers Assoc.,AAJ, NPAP #BLM
Tweets to this user:
Asha Rangappa's avatar
From @AshaRangappa_
Sooooo...he’s a witness?? Is this how you back door into testifying for Trump while the Senate officially claims it…
Andrew C Laufer, Esq's avatar
From @lauferlaw
@AshaRangappa_ Is he a fact or expert witness?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@lauferlaw: FYI, @AshaRangappa_ got taken in by a fake Trump admin mole. He was actually a Trump fan who tricked her. Imagine what would happen if she'd similarly got taken in by a fake mole while working for the FBI.
One_megohm's avatar
From @MegohmOne
RT @TravelingUS: RT @giantdave1: Thank You Andrew!!!! Love your's spot on!!! #resist #resistance
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MegohmOne: @lauferlaw is like a yapping midget poodle. He's just posturing against Trump, he has no plan to try to undercut him in a way that Trump would notice. He can't even conceive of there being such a plan. Has #TheResistance had even one (1) success?
Andrew C Laufer, Esq's avatar
From @lauferlaw
RT @ReaganBattalion: Abortions in the White House, Pedophilia, Racism, antisemitism, all worth for that wall, to protect us from what? http…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@lauferlaw: you're obviously a smart guy, what's the smart alternative to Trump Wall?