Tweets to Kevin B Snyder

Kevin B Snyder's avatar
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Kevin B Snyder
North Carolina
Pro-Life, Libertarian leaning Conservative Republican. Philly Sports fan Please also follow my @kevinskornerb, Love Space and History. #tcot #NRA ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ
Tweets to this user:
Kevin B Snyder's avatar
From @Kevinbsnyder
If there is a Deal, then the wall must be fully funded this year, then DACA could compromise. The deal would be within the GOP
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
IOW, he supports amnesty. #MAGA MT @Kevinbsnyder If there is a Deal, then the wall must be fully funded this year then DACA could compromise
Kevin B Snyder's avatar
From @Kevinbsnyder
@24AheadDotCom_ No, it means supporting a deal not amnesty.