Tweets to Kayla Perrin🖖🧢🌺🌹

Kayla Perrin🖖🧢🌺🌹's avatar
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Kayla Perrin🖖🧢🌺🌹
I love animals, liberty and freedom for ALL.
Tweets to this user:
Kayla Perrin🖖🧢🌺🌹's avatar
From @KaylaPerrin4
@TomSteyer Is there any data on gun free zones being safer or targets? Not trolling legit curious it seems like those areas get hit?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MSM has convinced asking the questions they won't is "trolling". Your question is valid; shame MSM into asking it. RT @KaylaPerrin4 [to Steyer] Is there any data on gun free zones being safer or targets? Not trolling legit curious it seems like those areas get hit?