Tweets to Katy Tur

Katy Tur's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Katy Tur
New York, NY
MSNBC anchor @2pm, NBC News correspondent, author of NYT best seller Unbelievable, currently treading in the primal soup of US politics.
Tweets to this user:
Sylvia.007's avatar
From @Sylvia67727693
@KatyTurNBC @BarackObama is a man of solid integrity and the fact that he has stayed out of publicly voicing an opi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Sylvia67727693 [to a @gdebenedetti planted story re what O says "in private" which - oddly enough! - makes it into a tabloid rag] ..[Obama] is a man of solid integrity and the fact that he has stayed out of publicly voicing an opinion shows his masterful leadership..
Katy Tur's avatar
From @KatyTurNBC
What Obama Is Saying in Private About the Democratic Primary
Crow 🩸&🦷's avatar
From @sistercrow
@KatyTurNBC Hint: Obama is reportedly talking up Elizabeth Warren with donors “He obviously thinks she’s very smar…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Both O & Lizzie are very pro-Big Biz. MT @sistercrow [hypes a "blind item" (hah!) supposedly saying] Obama is reportedly talking up Elizabeth Warren with donors
Katy Tur's avatar
From @KatyTurNBC
I honestly didn’t think I’d make it through the debate tonight after 11 hours of hearings. But this has been the…
SRM_MD's avatar
From @srmduke87
@KatyTurNBC @MyKidsMomBB8 @AshleyRParker @kwelkernbc @mitchellreports @maddow
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MSNBC debate was yet another show with weak questions that don't "question authority". Katy's in the pay of the corporate media, real liberals shouldn't support her hype. MT @srmduke87 [cheers all-right-gendered debates] MT @KatyTurNBC [cheers all-right-gendered debates]
Mediaite's avatar
From @Mediaite
Katy Tur Brutally Grills Trump Adviser Over Biden Claims: 'Why is Ivanka is Getting Copyrights in China?'
susanec's avatar
From @susanec
@Mediaite Patents for voting machines. We need way, way more information.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Tur & Mediaite = Hannity. Like them, he trades in "hypocrisy!" claims but he can't show opponents' policies wrong. Clickbait is Trump's friend. MT @susanec [to pathetic @Mediaite blog that @KatyTurNBC "Brutally Grills Trump Adviser"] We need way, way more information.
Jonathan Chait's avatar
From @jonathanchait
This is the signal. We attack at noon.
Eric Columbus's avatar
From @EricColumbus
@jonathanchait It appears that @KatyTurNBC is counting down the days until . . . 9/11?
Jonathan Chait's avatar
From @jonathanchait
@EricColumbus @KatyTurNBC well this took a dark turn
Katy Tur's avatar
From @KatyTurNBC
@jonathanchait @EricColumbus Oof. Very dark.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KatyTurNBC: @jonathanchait has written untold thousands of words about Trump. Has any of it had any impact on anything? #TheResistance agrees with him, but - as reality shows - that isn't enough. It'd be incredibly easy for Chait to undercut Trump, he just isn't smart enough.
a Wing & a Prayer's avatar
From @CthrnAnn
@MSNBC @KatyTurNBC Real question is: Why do YOU act puzzled & ask "why" @senatemajldr does treasonous things? Clear…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CthrnAnn: re @KatyTurNBC 's "Why is Mitch McConnell blocking election security bills?", Socratic questions (like lawyers ask) would make McConnell, Blackburn, etc. *admit* they're wrong. Those like Tur don't have a lawyer's mindset + Dunning-Kruger keeps them from taking advice