Tweets to Josh Campbell

Josh Campbell's avatar
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Josh Campbell
@CNN Correspondent | Teaching @USC | Book: | My Story: | Fmr @FBI Agent | @USNavy Officer | Proud Angeleno
Tweets to this user:
Josh Campbell's avatar
From @joshscampbell
A Trump adviser took exception to questions about the President's actions involving a foreign government, calling i…
Jason Glisson's avatar
From @jasonglisson
@joshscampbell @SoSofieFatale @jimsciutto This was easily one of the most disturbing interviews I've seen that wasn…
Dawn Young-McDaniel ♿️'s avatar
From @justdawn_
@joshscampbell @jimsciutto Peter Navarro seemed to think he was on Fox. That’s the only excuse for his belligerence…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jasonglisson: what those like @joshscampbell pretend are tough questions are like WWE pretending their conflicts are real. The last thing Josh wants is for *all* politicians to be asked truly tough policy questions. Josh's partisan hackery takes a backseat to the oath he took.
Josh Campbell's avatar
From @joshscampbell
The sweeping House intel committee investigation is going to make the Mueller probe feel like 'the good old days' f…
Debs Matthews's avatar
From @Debbieamatthews
@joshscampbell And if they find nothing. It will cause them to lose big in 2020. They best be careful. Mueller I tr…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Debbieamatthews: hey Debs, in #SOTU Trump referred to crimes criminal aliens (a relatively small subset) commit. @joshscampbell hyped a deceptive Sciutto report about the crimes illegal aliens + legal immigrants (a much larger set) commit. That deception *helps* Trump.
Jim Sciutto's avatar
From @jimsciutto
Scripted applause is the least thrilling of all the applauses.
Josh Campbell's avatar
From @joshscampbell
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@joshscampbell: hey Josh, is it honest reporting for @jimsciutto to respond to Trump talking about criminal aliens (that's a term) by using stats that combine illegal aliens & legal immigrants? No response = you think that's OK. I'll then point that out to your fans.
Mark S. Zaid's avatar
From @MarkSZaidEsq
Looking forward to appearing tonight at 11 PM EDT on @CNN w/@donlemon and - finally - @joshscampbell. We'll be disc…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Hey Mark, Asha used a fake spy as a source. Her source has since been revealed as a pro-Trump mole. Does that indicate great, or even middling, competence on Asha's part? MT @MarkSZaidEsq [yea! I'm on TV w donlemon] Only thing better would be AshaRangappa_
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
LIVE NOW: @RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP's Mary Mccord, @BruceFeinEsq, @vicnourse & more discuss cong…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
@RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP @BruceFeinEsq @vicnourse One of our nation's principles is that nobody…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
@RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP @BruceFeinEsq @vicnourse "We have devolved from a balance of power sys…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
@RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP @BruceFeinEsq @vicnourse "The current leadership in the house are suff…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
@RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP @BruceFeinEsq @vicnourse .@RepSarbanes says Dems need House gavel back…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
@RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP @BruceFeinEsq @vicnourse “When they come for #Mueller, they’re coming…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
@RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP @BruceFeinEsq @vicnourse "There is nothing normal about how this presi…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
@RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP @BruceFeinEsq @vicnourse The purpose of oversight of DOJ and FBI are w…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
@RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP @BruceFeinEsq @vicnourse Congressional oversight has been deterioratin…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
@RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP @BruceFeinEsq @vicnourse We need an independent counsel who is truly i…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
@RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP @BruceFeinEsq @vicnourse My job isn't to defend the FBI, it's to expla…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
@RepJerryNadler @RepSarbanes @GeorgetownICAP @BruceFeinEsq @vicnourse @joshscampbell The alarm needs to sounded. Wh…
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
I wouldn’t have come out with the [Nunes] memo. I think it was bad policy. - Hon. Tom Davis
Georgetown Law's avatar
From @GeorgetownLaw
There is no substitute for political involvement. - @jerrynadler answering 2L student who asked, if we need more ov…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GeorgetownLaw: Nadler minimizes obvious censorship by #Twitter etc. In fact, Twitter heavily censors replies to him (from cons, libs, & just good governance folks). Either he doesn't get his facts right or he's a liar. If you were patriotic, you'd call him on it.