Tweets to ❌ Joe blow ❌

❌  Joe blow  ❌'s avatar
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❌ Joe blow ❌
Ex Californian/ Rapid city now
Just a humble soldier in President Donald J.Trumps army.@KAG! 2020 and beyond. We’re winning .
Tweets to this user:
❌  Joe blow  ❌'s avatar
From @Joeblow2857
RT @malcolmjpearson: @RealAlexJones If Alex Jones is talking rubbish why take him off? He's only dangerous if he's talking truths.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
He deceives all the time, just because they can't show him wrong doesn't mean he's finally telling the truth. It's also a warm-up for others. MT @Joeblow2857 MT @malcolmjpearson: If Alex Jones is talking rubbish why take him off? He's only dangerous if he's talking truths
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Joeblow2857 @malcolmjpearson: all the problems Alex Jones, Breitbart, etc. have with censorship is because they opposed censorship in ways that didn't work. Stop repeating their mistakes. Start opposing censorship in smart, non-selfish, big tent ways. See my top tweet.