Tweets to JL Rindahl

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Twitter handle: 
JL Rindahl
Bay Area and Sacramento
Executive Board Member @CA_Dem • Democratic Political Consultant • Delaine Eastin for Governor 2018 • @BernieSanders 2016 • supporter #Warren2020
Tweets to this user:
JL Rindahl's avatar
From @jlrindahl
RT @ericlach: "If you keep your eye on what the capitalists get away with, you can run on economic populism with the support of doctors and…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Warren's stances on U.S. Chamber/WSJ/Koch issues (immigration/trade/globalism) aren't in any way populist. She might as well be funded by Big Biz. Compare what her policies would do to what Lach says. MT @jlrindahl [to @ericlach inchyping a blog calling Liz Warren a "populist"]