Tweets to Jimmy Wales

Jimmy Wales's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Jimmy Wales
Founder of @Wikipedia, founder of @Wikitribune
Tweets to this user:
Ellen Stofan's avatar
From @EllenStofan
No better way to celebrate #AdaLovelaceDay19 than to have a Wikipedia edit-a-thon @airandspace to tell all the stor…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@EllenStofan: you (Director of Air & Space Museum) hype a "Wikipedia edit-a-thon". @jimmy_wales used WP's own rules to deceive their readers. Whether for a good cause or not, he still deceived their readers. Imagine what Putin/China/etc moles do.
Dr Jess Wade 👩🏻‍🔬's avatar
From @jesswade
@Wikipedia nails thanks to Anouska @beautystack
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jesswade: FYI, @jimmy_wales freely admitted he used #Wikipedia rules to deceive their readers. Now, imagine what Putin & other leaders - who can afford to hire moles to use those same rules in the same way - are doing.
Dr Jess Wade 👩🏻‍🔬's avatar
From @jesswade
There are no words. #WomenInSTEM x @Wikipedia
Mark Tiele Westra's avatar
From @mtwestra
@jesswade @Wikipedia @WikiWomenInRed @wikiscientists Dear @wikipedia, if this happens I will never donate to you again.
Jonathan JK Morris's avatar
From @Jonathanjk
@mtwestra @jesswade @Wikipedia @WikiWomenInRed @wikiscientists Wikipedia are pro Israel so you can stop donating now actually.
John Lubbock's avatar
From @jwsal
@Jonathanjk When you say Wikipedia, who do you mean? The 200,000 volunteer editors?
Jonathan JK Morris's avatar
From @Jonathanjk
@jwsal I mean Jimmy Wales, head of Wikipedia, who has come out defending some "volunteer editors" of their bias.…
John Lubbock's avatar
From @jwsal
@Jonathanjk Ok, so one of the trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation is pro-Israel.... that's not in any way the same…
John Lubbock's avatar
From @jwsal
@Jonathanjk The problem with any sentence that starts 'Wikipedia is/does X' is that you're anthropomorphising a cro…
Jonathan JK Morris's avatar
From @Jonathanjk
@jwsal Yes, that was my poorly worded OG point, Wikipedia reflects the beliefs and attitudes of those who write it,…
John Lubbock's avatar
From @jwsal
@Jonathanjk But Jimmy is just one of millions of Wikipedia editors. His influence on the content there is absolutel…
Jonathan JK Morris's avatar
From @Jonathanjk
@jwsal Miniscule when you frame it against ALL the content on the site. Yes. Don't downplay his influence on the po…
John Lubbock's avatar
From @jwsal
@Jonathanjk Why do I need to answer for Jimmy Wales' personal opinions? I'd also like to remind you that your attit…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jwsal @Jonathanjk: FYI, @jimmy_wales put his finger on the #wikipedia scale, using their rules to deliberately lie to their readers. It was for a good cause, but he still used their rules to lie to their readers. What other good causes are there?
Jimmy Wales's avatar
From @jimmy_wales
On Jeopardy yesterday, apparently!
That Barney guy 💖💜💙's avatar
From @barney_parker
@jimmy_wales So what was the question?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@barney_parker: hey Barney, @jimmy_wales admitted using #Wikipedia 's own rules to deceive their readers. It was for a good cause, but how many other cases of using their rules to quash dissent aren't so compelling?
Rob Sanderson's avatar
From @azaroth42
As an experiment, I looked at the description of the J Paul Getty Trust in wikidata. 4/11 assertions were wrong (bu…
Rob Sanderson's avatar
From @azaroth42
I corrected the data, but there’s no way to know if someone reverts my corrections. There’s no way to know if someo…
Rob Sanderson's avatar
From @azaroth42
Yet libraries and other cultural heritage organizations are all over it. The only thing I can see as an advantage…
Rob Sanderson's avatar
From @azaroth42
It’s touted as decentralized, with the sleight-of-hand between wikidata (the centralized facebook-of-data) and wiki…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@azaroth42: anything involving @jimmy_wales is bound to be shady, starting with Bomis. He admitted using a core #Wikipedia rule to lie to their visitors. Consider anything you put into or read from #Wikibase in that light.
Jimmy Wales's avatar
From @jimmy_wales
Imagine if Labour had a leader fighting Brexit...
MJH's avatar
From @mjhucknall
@jimmy_wales Nice fantasy Jimmy. They don’t.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mjhucknall: FYI, @jimmy_wales admits to using #Wikipedia rules to lie to their visitors. He helped keep a lie in WP while keeping the truth out. Now, imagine what state & corporate actors are doing. WP is a disinfo vector.
Julian Burnside's avatar
From @JulianBurnside
Donate to @Wikipedia. Support free knowledge! #iloveWikipedia
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jimmy_wales admits using WP's own rules to lie to WP readers & to hide the truth. He admits it! Good cause or not, it shows how WP is constantly gamed to spread disinfo. MT @JulianBurnside Donate to #Wikipedia. Support free knowledge! #iloveWikipedia
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Dries: @jimmy_wales admitted using #Wikipedia rules to keep a lie in WP and keep the truth out (details on request). WP has always been shady back to their Bomis origins. How about encouraging d.o documenters to avoid linking to WP? #Drupal
Mark Glaser's avatar
From @mediatwit
.@timoreilly told a crowd at the @knightfdn Media Forum that his biggest concern is that “we have not realized that…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mediatwit: hey Mark, @jimmy_wales admitted using #Wikipedia 's own rules to keep a lie in WP & to keep the truth out. Don't you think Putinbots (using USA IPs & fluent in English) are taking advantage of the same rules to spread disinfo?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Britannica: #2 #Google result for Encyclopedia Britannica is #Wikipedia. In your survey I sent some ways to undercut @jimmy_wales disinfo.
