Tweets to Jerod T. McDaniel

Jerod T. McDaniel's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Jerod T. McDaniel
Texhoma, OK
Full time husband, father, farmer, rancher. Commodities, comedy, and kids. '99 OSU alum, Ansi and Ag Econ - go pokes.
Tweets to this user:
Jerod T. McDaniel's avatar
From @jerodmcdaniel
America is getting splattered on from the pissing contest between these two... And both sides couldn’t be happier…
Toobad's avatar
From @Toobad86888516
@jerodmcdaniel You voted for it
Jerod T. McDaniel's avatar
From @jerodmcdaniel
@Toobad86888516 I voted for @GovGaryJohnson
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jerodmcdaniel @Toobad86888516: several years ago, @govgaryjohnson held a Twitter Q&A. I asked him several questions & he wasn't able to defend his anti- and un-American #immigration ideas. I might have asked him about his support for child labor too. #libertarian #libertarians
Toobad's avatar
From @Toobad86888516
@24AheadDotCom_ @jerodmcdaniel @GovGaryJohnson Legal immigration. Right. Are we talking about the same thing?. I don't think so.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Toobad86888516: I've written 1000s of immigration posts; I oppose illegal & massive legal. Illegal is worse, but that doesn't mean mass legal immigration is any good either. @GovGaryJohnson would flood USA w cheap foreign labor, reducing wages to world levels. @jerodmcdaniel