Tweets to htdpz

htdpz's avatar
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Texas, USA
#MAGA #GodBlessAmerica #AmericaFirst @realDonaldTrump #HesMyPresident #DrainTheSwamp
Tweets to this user:
htdpz's avatar
From @htdpz
@realDonaldTrump is 4 PPH 4 women's issues & is not for abortions.He said pull all funding if they cont w abortions
GRETCHIN's avatar
From @gretchininTN
@htdpz honestly, politicians say a lot of things and do another. Problem is, PPH will never lose funding, no matter who wins election.
htdpz's avatar
From @htdpz
@gretchininTN So I take it you are a never @realDonaldTrump person?
GRETCHIN's avatar
From @gretchininTN
@htdpz well, hmmm... I'm not against him but I'm not for him necessarily. For reasons of my faith. (He never asked God for forgiveness)
htdpz's avatar
From @htdpz
@gretchininTN you can't judge. That's not our job. Have you ever read the book the shack? It talks about us serving God not doing His job
GRETCHIN's avatar
From @gretchininTN
@htdpz I'm not trying to judge him. You will know someone by their fruits.... I'm just not going to let myself be deceived either.
htdpz's avatar
From @htdpz
@gretchininTN that's good and I applaud you for that. But ask yourself this, is @realDonaldTrump better & more forthright than HRC?
GRETCHIN's avatar
From @gretchininTN
@htdpz @realDonaldTrump Yes. I would rather have DT over Hillary any day of the week.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gretchininTN: that's childish thinking, like Trump & Hillary are grown-ups & you aren't. As a citizen, work to change both of them. #tcot