Tweets to (((Josh Manning)))🩸🦷

(((Josh Manning)))🩸🦷's avatar
Twitter handle: 
(((Josh Manning)))🩸🦷
Montana, USA
Montanan, former Army intel (OIFx3), Pentagon counterterrorism analyst, Russia political analyst. Editorials in LA Times, Newsweek. Personal, off duty account.
Tweets to this user:
Steven L. Hall's avatar
From @StevenLHall1
On @CNN In just a few with @FWhitfield. If you’re near a tv, take a gander.
(((Josh Manning)))🩸🦷's avatar
From @GIJoeMontana
@StevenLHall1 @CNN @FWhitfield You should be on all the networks, all the time.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GIJoeMontana: think about what Putin wants: - no HRC - U.S. Prez = buffoon - widespread distrust in U.S. institutions - speech restrictions (to show Constitution flawed) - general unrest @StevenLHall1 & his CNN pals etc etc have in effect helped Putin every step of the way.