Tweets to Geoff Golberg

Geoff Golberg's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Geoff Golberg
Building @SoclCartograph | Original @elementus_io founding team | @Penn and @UCBerkeley | Trying to unfuck social media
Tweets to this user:
Geoff Golberg's avatar
From @geoffgolberg
In case you weren't convinced that there's a massive XRP/Ripple astroturfing campaign
Sebastien Meunier's avatar
From @sbmeunier
@geoffgolberg @colingplatt Everyone is already convinced (except XRP trolls of course)
Geoff Golberg's avatar
From @geoffgolberg
@sbmeunier @colingplatt Everyone except @yoyoel and the rest of his team at Twitter team who continue to allow plat…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@geoffgolberg: @yoyoel, delbius, @vijaya, etc are extremely vulnerable. They censor millions of all kinds of users. All non-verifieds need to be worried. See my pinned tweet for real data. If all the users who should be worried were, Twitter would be in deep, deep trouble.
Geoff Golberg's avatar
From @geoffgolberg
Twitter’s VP Trust & Safety = @delbius Watch her ignore me while I plead for assistance Last week Twitter told me…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@geoffgolberg: Twitter is extremely vulnerable because they censor *all* kinds of users: see the real data at my top tweet. Cons have consistently helped them and hurt those like you by falsely pretending only cons are impacted. Are you smart enough to help yourself?