Tweets to Full Frontal

Full Frontal's avatar
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Full Frontal
Samantha Bee: The Woman America Needs Half an Hour a Week. Wednesdays at 10:30/9:30c on @TBSNetwork Thursdays on @YouTube. Tickets ➑️
Tweets to this user:
Full Frontal's avatar
From @FullFrontalSamB
If you listen to the protesters closely you can hear "watch a new episode of Full Frontal tonight at 10:30" ??? #DemDebate
MaryFairy's avatar
From @MaryFairy180
@FullFrontalSamB @iamsambee First time watching. Usually I turn my nose up to anything political because it's too m…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MaryFairy180: FYI, @FullFrontalSamB is a fake liberal. Compare the bottom line of what she wants on immigration to what Big Biz wants and you won't see much of a difference. Real liberals don't side with Big Biz on increasing the labor supply (and thus lowering wages).
Full Frontal's avatar
From @FullFrontalSamB
Welcome To The United Staes of America. Happy 4th of July from Full Frontal #SamanthaBee
πŸΊβ›·Big Le-Beer-Ski's avatar
From @bigalemory
@FullFrontalSamB I've learned we had airports during the Revolutionary War.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bigalemory: Trump probably planned the "airports" thing to increase the coverage. It would've been smarter to ignore his 7/4 speech (see my pinned tweet) but #TheResistance doesn't do smart. P.S. @FullFrontalSamB is pushing censorship. Is book burning now a liberal thing?
Full Frontal's avatar
From @FullFrontalSamB
Want to help us reunite families separated at the border and look good while doing it? Purchase our…
Terry🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊's avatar
From @cruisingqueen98
@FullFrontalSamB @openingceremony @supportKIND Love it!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Look at the bottom line: more labor = lower wages. @iamsambee is (intentionally or not) helping Tyson Foods, Western Growers, U.S. Chamber, Koch, etc. etc. lower wages. MT @cruisingqueen98 #ReunitedWeStand [@FullFrontalSamB scam to help WalMart lower wages]
Samantha Bee's avatar
From @iamsambee
New @FullFrontalSamB in 5 min on @TBS AND a game to follow the show!! Also I reveal an unforgettable fact about Muppets.
Steve Ockerman's avatar
From @steockerman
@iamsambee @FullFrontalSamB @TBS I'll never watch Muppets again without that image in my mind.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@steockerman: are you watching the @iamsambee #NYE special? It's kinda sad that she's at a Calgary biker bar & no one so far wants to help her celebrate, but maybe when they get drunk enough & the other gals' mouths get tired she'll get her chance. #Canada