Tweets to Erik Boland

Erik Boland's avatar
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Erik Boland
New York
Yankees beat writer, @NewsdaySports; Political/History junkie; proud native of Cleveland; proud graduate of @JohnCarrollU
Tweets to this user:
Erik Boland's avatar
From @eboland11
Yankees 0 for 5 with RISP with 7 stranded so far tonight. So far in the series they're 4 for 25 with RISP with 30 stranded
Chris's avatar
From @Sailor_Chris
@eboland11 This series is over. This offense really disappointed this series.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Sailor_Chris: the long-term pic for every baseball team looks bleak. MLB sells out to Murdoch knowing he'll marginalize the Yankees by putting them on an obscure channel 10s of millions don't get in order to show a lousy Funny Rugby game on network. Demand @eboland11 speak out.