Tweets to Daniel W. Drezner

Daniel W. Drezner's avatar
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Daniel W. Drezner
Really, where am I not?
Professor at @FletcherSchool. Contributor to @PostEverything. Author of The Ideas Industry. Shaker of hands with Mel Brooks.
Tweets to this user:
Warren Terra's avatar
From @warren__terra
@caitlin__kelly @dandrezner This is the first time I've actually looked at the spreadsheet. It assumes testing *onl…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Look at what you're doing. You're enabling @caitlin__kelly as she obsesses over trivia. What we need is those who have access to Trump/his proxies to really press them on real issues. She *helps* Trump. MT @warren__terra ...possible carriers/people exposed deserve test too...
Caitlin Kelly's avatar
From @caitlin__kelly
If anyone knows the story behind the flowchart used by the White House to explain a website that apparently doesn't…
Jen Cross 🦉🕷🦖's avatar
From @7StellarJays
@caitlin__kelly @dandrezner I don't know anything about the story behind it, but as flowcharts go it's a pretty cra…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@7StellarJays: in last 4+ years, have you ever noticed that Trump has never been shown wrong to his base or forced to admit he was at fault in anything? That's because those like you enable those like @caitlin__kelly who obsess over things that don't matter. She *helps* Trump.
Daniel W. Drezner's avatar
From @dandrezner
Daniel W. Drezner's avatar
From @dandrezner
If you're wondering about the competency of Trump's senior advisers consider that Alex Azar is saying the economy i…'s avatar
From @ElectObama2020
@dandrezner but but but... Trump is incompetent.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ElectObama2020: reality is Trump is competent while #TheResistance doesn't even have competence as a goal: they're all about acting out, throwing tantrums, wearing childish hats, etc. etc. Not even one of your leaders has ever challenged Trump/proxies using Socratic questions.
Daniel W. Drezner's avatar
From @dandrezner
“Before Iran’s apparent retaliation, Trump argued to aides that the attack on Soleimani would be politically popula…
Maurice Mallon's avatar
From @MauriceMallon
@dandrezner As he knows wtf he’s doing.
Kathleen Garner ✍️'s avatar
From @Nextlifetree
@MauriceMallon @dandrezner Exactly. An 11 year old is just as knowledgeable. All those propping him up are evil l…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Nextlifetree: visualize all the bad things you think about Trump. Then, realize that @dandrezner has a mini-megaphone & could have helped make Trump drop out way back in 2015. Obviously, what those like him did do failed miserably. Why enable a proven failure?
Daniel W. Drezner's avatar
From @dandrezner
Surprisingly this story is not about either @charlie_simpson or @mkguliford.
Meg Guliford's avatar
From @mkguliford
@dandrezner @charlie_simpson This is the work of Kansans from populated areas. MY people traditionally don’t have this capacity for humor.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mkguliford: hey Meg, @dandrezner claims Trump was convicted of a very serious violent felony. Is that the case, or is Drezner a liar?
Daniel W. Drezner's avatar
From @dandrezner
When you consider his history of tax fraud, sexual harassment, sexual assault, campaign finance violations, accepta…
Danielle's avatar
From @loosebricks
@dandrezner "I shot a man on Fifth Avenue and got away with it, but they're going to impeach me for this?!?!?!"
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@loosebricks: @dandrezner says Trump has a "history" of "sexual assault". Drezner is naming an actual, unambiguous crime and claiming Trump has been convicted of it. When did that happen? (Note: I'm hoping you aren't as hazy & dismissive of the Constitution as Drezner)
Jonathan Chait's avatar
From @jonathanchait
Republicans outsourced Ukraine policy to a private lawyer being paid by Russian mobsters. An Army vet objected to t…
Infinity🗽's avatar
From @omara341
@jonathanchait My god man, Republicans are the party-of-Treason, corruption, plight. This is how this chapter will…
Austan Goolsbee's avatar
From @Austan_Goolsbee
@jonathanchait RT if you are old enough to remember when Rs attacked the patriotism of a us senator who was a veter…
Unice Lieberman's avatar
From @UniceLieberman
@Austan_Goolsbee @dandrezner @jonathanchait 2004 Swift boat smear also comes to mind
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
All of these GOP efforts are incredibly easy to undercut. I've done it countless times in comments. Those people like you enable are too cosseted, dim, & lacking in life experience to do that. MT @UniceLieberman [swift boating] MT @Austan_Goolsbee [GOP smeared Max Cleland]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
As everything he's done allegedly against Trump since 2015 should show you, Chait simply isn't smart enough to undercut a simpleton like Trump & his childish efforts. MT @omara341 MT @jonathanchait [puts on a big whiny show about GOP apparently smearing Alexander Vindman]
Daniel W. Drezner's avatar
From @dandrezner
Jesus fucking Christ.
BC's avatar
From @liesagreedupon
@dandrezner And just think: none of the Saudi stuff is out yet!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump has to have been incredibly shocked at how incredibly incompetent his loudest opponents are. He's pres because of people like you two. MT @liesagreedupon [to @dandrezner blasphemic, impotent exasperation at Trump's latest shtick] [but, wait, there's more!]
Hayes Brown's avatar
From @HayesBrown
anyway, I managed to shove references to Hamlet, the Gall-Peters projection map, and "D2: The Mighty Ducks" into th…
Potato-Growing Hermit's avatar
From @2bigdoghouse
@HayesBrown @dandrezner not gonna read it. you're writing about greenland (and boasting about slipping in a referen…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@2bigdoghouse: indeed. Trump has been extremely vulnerable on his joke policies, his gross incompetence, etc for years. All those like @HayesBrown can do is play right into his shtick. Challenge parasites like him to help smart people really press Trump proxies on real issues.
Nick Miroff's avatar
From @NickMiroff
Im getting more questions that usual asking whether CBP might be manipulating or inflating these numbers. I have se…
David Carlton's avatar
From @DavidCaSouth
@NickMiroff @dandrezner I’m hearing similar reports from the other end. People I work with in the most underdevelo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NickMiroff & all the rest are paid to *enable* that braindrain. If they ever opposed NeoLiberal/Koch policies they'd be out of a job. MT @DavidCaSouth People I work with in the most underdeveloped part of Guatemala are worried about an exodus of their best people to El Norte.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DavidCaSouth: if you really care about braindrain, then start opposing those like Miroff & working to undercut them to their fans. Educate those who mindlessly cheer for Warren etc even as they'd harm developing countries just because they think Trump's on the other side.
