Tweets to Steve Cioccolanti

Steve Cioccolanti's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Steve Cioccolanti
New York, USA
Three time #1 Bestselling Author on Amazon: TRUMP’S UNFINISHED BUSINESS, The Divine Code. Pastor of Discover Church, Youtuber w/ 280,000+ subs, tweets r opinion
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
That applies to both #TheResistance & #MAGA. Just two slightly different flavors of cat ladies. MT @cioccolanti It's easier to control and coerce a population permanently TRAPPED in a heightened state of emotional frailty than one that has a strong cerebral constitution
Steve Cioccolanti's avatar
From @cioccolanti
Why I was wrong about atheism: @StefanMolyneux
PZ ن's avatar
From @ThePlanetZion
@cioccolanti @StefanMolyneux He's one of the friendliest Atheists that I've ever encountered on YT, or anywhere else for that matter...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ThePlanetZion @cioccolanti: @StefanMolyneux spent >1 hour defending Trump, couldn't answer a simple question I asked him. He's a fanboy.