Tweets to Bob Brigham

Bob Brigham's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Bob Brigham
Bozeman, MT
Senior Editor, @RawStory. Proud @news_guild union member.
Tweets to this user:
Raw Story's avatar
From @RawStory
Twitter slammed for letting Trump threaten to commit war crimes: ‘He’s using your network to start a war’
Maelli's avatar
From @Maelli14
@RawStory @Submarine_Guy C’mon @jack. Step up. Suspend his accounts.
OMG really???'s avatar
From @Judeless77
@Maelli14 @RawStory @Submarine_Guy @jack He can’t. 45 said he was going to use Twitter to communicate with the peop…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Bummer about that. I wish you & @BobBrigham could decide what America sees. Everything'd be OK then. MT @Judeless77 45 said he was going to use Twitter to communicate with the people. That would go against the constitution. Sad but true. MT Maelli14 [Jack should suspend Trump]
Rod Rosenstein's avatar
From @RodRosenstein
George is right. Killing random civilians to spread a political message is terrorism. FBI classifies it as domestic…
Bob Brigham's avatar
From @BobBrigham
@RodRosenstein And yet, you never stood up to the president responsible for the wave of white supremacist violence. Why not?
ᑕᕼᑌᑎK's avatar
From @chunkled
@RodRosenstein #StochasticTerrorism
Chaos Actual's avatar
From @actual_chaos
@BobBrigham @RodRosenstein Because the President has nothing to do with this. The Trump Administration, which inclu…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@chunkled: interesting how you & @LuluLemew use the same font in your names, almost like you're replying to yourself. Interesting how you both strongly support censorship & thus admit you're either wrong about what you believe or lack the capacity to show opponents wrong.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@actual_chaos: @BobBrigham doesn't realize he's serving Trump's interests by smearing legitimate concerns of 10s of millions of workers. The very small # of #RawStory visitors don't realize how incredibly pro-Big Biz RS is.
Bob Brigham's avatar
From @BobBrigham
Two "essential things" gyrocopter man sought to add to #CampaignFinance movement: media coverage & explosive growth
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BobBrigham: really dumb, out-of-control ppl land gyrocopters on Capitol Hill. Smart ppl do this: