Tweets to Adele Tuiolosega

Adele Tuiolosega's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Adele Tuiolosega
California, USA
Love my life, family and friends. Never take life too seriously and always looking for ways to make a difference.
Tweets to this user:
Oath Keepers's avatar
From @Oathkeepers
Leftist Mayor of Minneapolis let’s violent dirtbags run amok for years and then tries to shit down Trump Rally by “…
Oath Keepers's avatar
From @Oathkeepers
“F” that! If it comes to it, Trump supporters will be their OWN security. And we’ll be there to help. Already pla…
Adele Tuiolosega's avatar
From @Atuiolosega
@Oathkeepers Thank you for Standing Up to these cowards!!
Wayne Ahlquist's avatar
From @WayneAhlquist
@Oathkeepers @StewartRhodesOK That doesn’t sound like non-partisan rhetoric - I’m retired army and a democrat - am…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Atuiolosega: if @Oathkeepers were smart, they'd realize the deck is stacked in favor of antifa & they wouldn't play into it by playing their role of r/w thugs. That's just PR 101. They'd instead equip Trump with smart arguments that'd undercut Dem leaders to their base.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WayneAhlquist: see this post from 3.5 years ago. @Oathkeepers = Trump with even fewer brain cells.