State of Hawaii releases Frequently Asked Questions about Obama certificate

The state of Hawaii has released a FAQ about Barack Obama's birth records: link.

The page outlines what information they're legally able to release and what they can't and links to their various laws and procedures. The page makes clear that they can't release the specifics of Obama's certificate. In one section they offer "All past statements by the Health Director", linking to the first and second statements and saying:

The statements speak for themselves and there are no other public records maintained by the department related to these statements that are available to the public.

1. The first statement was ambiguous, and FactCheck and countless other sources lied about what that statement said. It did not say that he was born there, only that they had Obama's "original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures". It can't be assumed from that that he was born there, and that's shown by their second statement in which they had to clarify the first statement. The second statement explicitly said he was born there, and if the first statement weren't ambiguous they wouldn't have had to release the second statement.

2. What exactly they mean by "available to the public" isn't clear; could records which aren't currently public be obtained under their UHPA? I would certainly be interested in learning the contents of emails between, for instance, Fukino or Janice Okubo and various reporters. Any documents relating to the formulation of the second statement - including the involvement of their Attorney General - would also be interesting.


We all know that obama real birth place is afirca in fact his family source said so, his mother stated his real birth place is Kenya but his mother who was raped by a black political person and taken to afirca becuase he father and mother are right out of the Red central wanted to hand the kid over to some money monkey from kenya so what is the political problem? after all obama maker! or as we call it in the west his father was a kikuyu of the lou and kanu people so his father must be a great monkey person and obamas grandfather was a real muslim old time mass terrorists and said so in public so whats your problem? obamas brother only murdered 500 black and white christians so whats your race and political problem? I say deport obama to his homeland nancy pelosi home so obama can live free in acorn land free of any real ideals. Let me say IT right now before all you really stupid CHIMPS say it "RACISTS" Fred Dawes is a total opened racists who can see evil for what it is and that means obama the healthcare monkey.

I'd like to know what information on a birth certificate is private. Parents name, name of child, birth date and place of birth are all the information typically written on these documents. Let's review the purpose of such a document. 1. To establish paternity. 2. To establish maternity. 3. To establish geographical location of birth. Where applicable, this may be used by the federal bureaucracy for establishing citizenship, but not always. Remember that children of foreign diplomats do not have the right to birthright citizenship. Paternity/maternity are generally considered public knowledge, as are locations of birth and parentage, so what is the justification for the state of Hawaii's laws preventing disclosure of such information?

George can see, the real Birth place of obama is Kenya; that is the real reason this monkey state will not tell people the real reason why. But what can i say and what can we do we all know this guy obama from Kenya is a total fake and a setup for mass murder of this country.