nathan deal

nathan deal: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Nathan Deal says will sign Georgia's Arizona-style immigration bill - 04/15/11

Georgia governor Nathan Deal says he'll sign an Arizona-style immigration bill that was approved by their General Assembly yesterday (link): "To try and craft legislation that is within the parameters of what a state can do without overstepping its bounds is difficult," Deal said. "And I commend the General Assembly for trying to put a product together that they felt like met that, and from what I have seen, I believe it does meet that." Deal did not say exactly when he would sign HB 87 but said he is confident that he will be able to affix his signature after reviewing it. "I have no reason...

"Mexican ID opens doors for undocumented workers in U.S." - 02/21/03

I created a thread here about the Dallas Morning News article "Mexican ID opens doors for undocumented workers in U.S." (link). The subtitle of the article is 'Critics say 'matricula' is a tool to facilitate illegal immigration', which in a way summarizes the whole article: it's mostly pro-Matricula Consular, with a few anti-MC comments thrown in for a semblance of balance. Of particular note: