
murrieta: Page 1

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How to Make Murrieta Immigration Protests More Effective - 07/08/14

The problem with the Murrieta immigration protests is that the Federal government has already found a work around: they're simply sending the illegal aliens that were bound for Murrieta to other cities. At the same time, the United Nations is agitating to have the children crossing the border classified as refugees.

California Border Patrol rally draws crowd, questionable editing - 10/30/05

Assemblyman Ray Haynes, R-Murrieta held a rally in Sacramento yesterday in support of his proposed ballot measure to create a California Border Patrol. According to the AP, about 1000 people turned out, 700 on the other side. The protest was "mostly peaceful", and the "underlining issue" was the Minuteman Project. The same AP report is featured in these articles: washingtonpost . com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/29/AR2005102901498.html Calif. Border Police Plan Draws Throngs