lionel sosa

Lionel Sosa and

Lionel Sosa is an extremely ethnocentric GOP advertising consultant affiliated with and other groups. MATT stands for "Mexicans and Americans Thinking Together".

Sosa worked on presidential campaigns by George W Bush and others. In 2007, he crossed over and supported Bill Richardson because, as he said at the time, "Blood runs thicker than politics".

When the Richardson thing didn't work out, he switched to working for John McCain.

Not only that, but in January 2008, he hoped that the Mexican government would help fund a pro-amnesty ad campaign he had planned.

Last modified Jul 18, 2012
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

NCLR letter for DREAM Act misleads (Richardson, Villaraigosa, Linda Chavez, Lionel Sosa) - 12/16/10

The National Council of La Raza has sent an open letter [1] to senators Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell urging them to pass the anti-American DREAM Act. That bill would let the illegal aliens covered by it take college resources from Americans: it would deprive some Americans of college educations. And, the NCLR's letter is misleading and signed by a small grab bag of very questionable people. It starts: As Latino leaders in government, business, entertainment, and sports, we urge members of Congress to support the "Development, Relief, and Education of Alien Minors (DREAM) Act." This modest...

Hispanic GOP strategists shocked enough by anti-Sotomayor comments to help Democrats (Lionel Sosa) - 05/30/09

Lionel Sosa from and other groups is an extremely ethnocentric GOP advertising consultant who worked on presidential campaigns by George W Bush and others. In 2007, he crossed over and supported Bill Richardson because, as he said at the time, "Blood runs thicker than politics".

Arizona Chamber of Commerce,, Raul Yzaguirre start immigration "reform" ad campaign; Mexican government link? - 09/24/08

Earlier today, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce (chief executive: Glenn Hamer), hosted a press conference where they announced an ad campaign in support of immigration "reform", presumably including some form of "guest" worker scheme (link).

Ethnocentric Lionel Sosa working for John McCain (money from Mexican government?) - 07/16/08

Lionel Sosa is an extremely ethnocentric GOP advertising consultant who worked on George W Bush's presidential campaigns. Last year, he crossed over and supported Bill Richardson because, as he said at the time, "Blood runs thicker than politics".

Mel Martinez quits as RNC chairman; Peter Wallsten/LAT offers pro-illegal immigration spin - 10/21/07

As predicted and even sooner than was hoped, Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL) has quit as the head of the RNC. Don't let the door hit you, etc.

LULAC, MALDEF, ACLU, business groups fight Texas immigration bills - 02/16/07

A new, apparently unnamed coalition has been formed in Texas to fight state bills designed to reduce illegal immigration. The coalition is using the standard pretext that immigration is a federal responsibility. Of course, they realize that the feds have abrogated their responsibilities; were the feds to enforce the laws, they would push for more local control.