entertainment industry

entertainment industry: Page 1

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United We Win 2010 opposes Arizona immigration law; is Eva Longoria more American than you?; Rosario Dawson; Cameron Diaz; failure - 08/08/10

A host of relatively minor Hispanic celebrity airheads are behind an effort called "United We Win 2010" [1]; the goal is to oppose the new Arizona immigration law. This post is here because a) they might have an influence on some people, b) Eva Longoria fans might want to wonder whether she thinks she's more American than they are (see below), and c) at least so far their effort appears to have failed.

Obama administration wants artists to push their agenda (NEA, serve.gov) - 08/26/09

A couple weeks ago, representatives of the Obama administration held a conference call with dozens from the art world in which those officials encouraged the artists to push issues that are also being pushed by the Barack Obama administration, including healthcare reform and cap and trade. The details are in this long, disjoined report from someone who took part in the call. Those on the call stressed the role of the art community in getting Obama elected (including referencing Shepard Fairey's posters and the "Yes We Can" song) and apparently wanted them to continue. Backed by the full...

Actors, writers and musicians want you to pay all the costs for their cheap labor - 01/24/05

"Actors, writers and musicians push for immigrant drivers licenses" (link): LOS ANGELES - Hollywood stars are joining the fight to get driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants in California with a new ad featuring a mock award for "Best Nanny."