bay buchanan

bay buchanan: Page 1

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Sonia Sotomayor as a "gift" to Obama opponents if they have the guts to exploit it; "poster child of the Left" - 06/01/09

I don't know if Sonia Sotomayor is a "bigot" as Bay Buchanan calls her in "Obama Picks a Bigot for the High Court" (link). Calling her extremely ethno-centric and steeped in identity politics is the better option. However, the ending - aside from the part where she doesn't broaden the opposition to include all Obama opponents - is correct: Sonia Sotomayor is a gift to conservatives. But we must find the guts to exploit it. Sonia Baby needs to become the poster child of the Left. With her as point, we can strip away the scab hiding the real identity of those in power: anti-white male racists... - 02/12/05

Apparently there's been a purge over at and several posters have been banned. Those posters were also opposed to Bush's guest worker program. Did the bannings result from things like posting links to "fringe" sites like and, or has FR become just an echo chamber for BushBots? While some of the opinions at VDare are fringe, many are not. And, TeamAmericaPAC is associated with Rep. Tom Tancredo and Bay Buchanan. For point of discussion, what other group of people wants to silence Rep. Tancredo? Perhaps as a result of these bannings, there are now...