One word for you: Canada

A lot of people think of Canada as a snowy northern wonderland of Neil Young songs and ArriellRebbells. The people who think that have never been there.

No, you wouldn't like Canada at all. They talk funny, and they have strange money, and everything there is like the U.S. but just shifted a couple degrees to the left. It's a very disconcerting feeling, almost like a foreign country. And, as I said before, unless the non-regular readers of this site pony up a few bucks - even if just to make me feel better - you never know what's going to happen. You might come to this site one day and find that things are a bit "Ironic".

At the very least - the absolute minimum you must do - you must immediately subscribe to this new feed I created with a different late sixties music video every four hours: twitter dot com/LateSixtiesVids

It's what Big Bird wants you to do.

