Meg Whitman employed illegal alien maid: bittersweet justice (Gloria Allred)

Meg Whitman has a nanny issue: it's been discovered that she employed an illegal alien for nine years. Whitman claims that she fired the housekeeper in question in 2009 right after the housekeeper told her she was here illegally. The housekeeper alleges various forms of abuse and is represented by none other than Gloria Allred.

The irony and the bittersweet runs deep:

1. This, to a very small extent, helps explain why our elites support massive and illegal immigration: for purely personal corrupt reasons. Why hire a demanding American citizen when you can hire two compliant illegal aliens?

2. According to TMZ (link, !) the press release for today's news conference featuring the housekeeper would have her "tell[ing] how she suffered as a long-time, Latina household employee in Meg Whitman's home." Could they be even more transparent about playing the race card in order to get the Hispanic vote? Expect the housekeeper to be featured on Univision and Telemundo tonight and perhaps throughout the election.

3. And, that follows Whitman bending over backwards to get the Hispanic vote, going as far as putting up billboards in Spanish highlighting her opposition to both the Arizona immigration law and Proposition 187.

4. Given the Whitman has been almost as bad as John McCain and George W Bush on immigration matters, one wonders what she would have had to do to avoid having the race card played on her. All that outreach and pandering and bending over backwards did her little good and bought her little goodwill. One of the key lessons to be obtained from this - one Whitman will ignore - is that pandering only makes things worse.

5. It would be sweet justice if this issue reduces Whitman's chances, but the bitter aftertaste is that it would encourage more race card playing and more Allred-style smear attempts.


[Allred] claims Whitman received a letter from the Social Security Administration on April 22, 2003, saying the Social Security number provided by the housekeeper did not match the name on file.

Obviously, the no match letter should have been a strong tip-off that Whitman was employing an illegal alien and her first step should have been to demand proper identification and fire her if it wasn't provided. It's worth pointing out that Whitman's friends in the business community joined with the far-left to oppose no-match.