How Tea Party *helps* the media, Part 3838022B

If you're reading this post after October 2013, you'll probably still be hearing about Trayvon Martin but you might have to struggle to recall who Chris Lane is. If you need a refresher, see this.

Why will that be the case? The Lane case seems worse in most respects than the Martin case. Why won't you hear about the Lane case anywhere near what you've heard about the Martin case?

The answer boils down to smarts, sanity, and integrity. Those who pushed the Martin case to the fore are simply smarter, saner, and more committed to their goals than those who could push the Lane case to wider prominence. Those who could push the Lane case simply don't have what it takes.

Which brings us to the Teapartiers. I attempted to make those points to a Teapartier on Twitter, and here was the last tweet she sent me:

blaming the victim. Sweet. Don't hold anyone in the msm accountable. Thanks for the chat. No further use for your "logic"

People like her are part of the problem: they're in effect helping the media mislead and downgrade stories. She's acting as an apologist for the incompetence of those leading figures that could push the Lane story to the fore. At the same time, she's smearing me, falsely accusing me of not wanting to "hold anyone in the msm accountable". Anyone who takes a glance at this site should realize that's the opposite of the truth: I've got hundreds of posts attempting to hold reporters accountable for biased reports (start at the listings here or see the PIIPP and crops rotting in the fields pages among many others). Like other Teapartiers, she didn't have the integrity to visit this site before making her claim, or she did and she couldn't find the obvious or she's lying. Instead of helping my decade-long effort to discredit deceptive reporters, she enables those who couldn't discredit even the worst reporters.

The proof's in the pudding: come October 2013 or earlier, most people who know the name Trayvon Martin will have no clue who Chris Lane was. There's a reason for that: those who could make his case more well known simply aren't competent, and their supporters such as those in the Teaparty movement engage in counter-productive actions rather than doing things that would be effective.

See Tea Parties for extensive coverage of their movement and the other reasons why they should be opposed.

10/22/14 UPDATE: As predicted, the person mentioned above has forgot all about Chris Lane. Here's a screenshot of my tweet searcher (click for a larger version):