Julia Preston/NYT whines (mixed-status families; doesn't realize NYT is part of problem)

Julia Preston of the New York Times offers yet another in the very long line of NYT articles designed to make people feel bad about enforcing immigration laws ("Facing Deportation but Clinging to Life in U.S.", link).

It begins:

She is a homeowner, a taxpayer, a friendly neighbor and an American citizen. Yet because she is married to an illegal immigrant, these days she feels like a fugitive...

That and the other situations would never have arisen if people had not ignored our immigration laws expecting it to somehow work out OK. The NYT's implied solution is "immigration reform", i.e. a massive amnesty. Yet, that will encourage more illegal immigration, leading to more such issues. And, that will lead to the New York Times' hack du jour writing weepy "news" reports designed to set us up for yet another amnesty. The only way to prevent such unfortunate situations is to either stringently enforce our immigration laws, or declare completely open borders and let anyone come here at will. The NYT does not support the former, working overtime to block even minor enforcement efforts.

Perhaps the NYT should be honest enough to admit that they support something akin to open borders rather than trying to wheedle their readers into supporting amnesty over and over.


'The only way to prevent such unfortunate situations is to either stringently enforce our immigration laws, or declare completely open borders and let anyone come here at will.' Yup. And the same goes for border crossing deaths. If you are really against what you're whining about, pick one of the two sides you mention instead of playing cute. Of course, they can't be honest about their true belief because it is wildly unpopular except among elites. Thus the constant deception.

The first sentence of the article is laughable and pathetic hyperbole: _Over the last year, illegal immigrants and their families have retreated from community life under the pressure of tougher federal and local enforcement._ Actually, they mostly just go to work and buy shit, like the rest of us -- that's the extent of their involvement in "community life". I can understand that amnesty/open borders supporters would 'play the emotion card' in their efforts -- after all, any decent person can appreciate that aspect of it. But do they have to insult our intelligence by publishing total fucking bullshit like this? Sorry, but at this point every such article just hardens my opinion that all (OK, nearly all) illegals ought to be either deported or forced to leave ('attrition'). I only wish there was a way to give 'reporters' like Julia Preston the boot as well.

Might as will quit waiting for the NYTs to publish a pro American article. It just is not going to happen.

I am still waiting for the New York Times to go under...how do they stay in business??I know some of us need paper for our pets waste...but there are OTHER options...like the Boston Globe for instance!! Hahhahahaha