Shaun Casey, Barack Obama's faith advisor, supports illegal immigration, engages in false compassion

No big surprise there. Late last month, the Barack Obama campaign hired Shaun Casey - a professor at Washington DC's Wesley Theological Seminary - as a religious affairs advisor. His exact title varies from report to report, but he'll be leading their outreach to evangelicals. And, he'll be stressing leftwing to far-left topics. See the complimentary profile here, with negative information provided here including the fact that he's a visiting fellow at the Center For American Progress.

And, back on September 4, 2006 he offered a stock leftwing justification for bad public policy in "Jesus Was An Illegal Immigrant" (

I left the following comment a few weeks ago under the title "Shaun Casey's false compassion":
Shaun Casey is deeply confused, he's engaging in false compassion, and if he had his way the situation would be far worse for everyone involved.

Deporting illegal aliens isn't like infanticide, it's simply returning people to their home countries. And, returning illegal aliens to their home countries - provided it's done in accordance with our laws and with generally accepted standards - is the best thing for all concerned.

By enforcing our laws, we'd raise wages for our own low-wage earning citizens, our own citizens wouldn't be prevented from going to college because an illegal alien was given their spot or discount, and, among many other benefits, we wouldn't have to listen to people like Shaun Casey trying to hide his support for illegal activity behind a highly questionable interpretation of the Bible.

And, that would work wonders on Mexico and other sending countries. Rather than trying to profit by sending us people, Mexico would be forced to take care of their own people. Those illegal aliens who returned home would press for reforms and would help build up Mexico rather than the current situation where large parts of their countryside have been emptied. And, since many fewer would try to cross the desert, many fewer would die while trying.

I urge the reader to think everything through, and hopefully the reader will see that if we follow Shaun Casey's advice, we'll just make the situation even worse.


Harranguing folks with "Jesus was an Illegal Alien" rhetoric is only going to piss folks off who have yet to make up their minds on Open Borders and drive them into the restrictionist camp. As a Democrat it really is hard to believe that the party pays millions of dollars a years to campaign consultants who believe that this idiocy is going to do anything other than drive voters away in mass. I guess the Democratic Leadership is more than happy to shovel more loot into the pockets of the likes of Ruy Teixeira over at CfAP and lose the White House for another 4 years.

I would also add that there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that families decide to have more children than they otherwise would based on knowledge that their offspring can easily go to the U.S. and send money home. There was a fairly recent article about a town basically deserted because they use that model. The Philippines currently has a ridiculously high birthrate which would be unsustainable if the country didn't export so many of its people. If the U.S. ever decided to stop being so accommodating to illegal (and legal) aliens, individual family decision making would change. And the government of Mexico would then have to get involved instead of the current remittances model which is a developmental dud.

How can you judge someone as having "false compassion"? Knowing Shaun Casey, he understands the situation and so much more insight into the compassion of Christ, you would not understand. Sounds more like you are a Pharasee.