"Greater Mexico"? You're living in it. (IME report)

Mexican partisan Louis E.V. Nevaer of New America Media offers "Mexican Middle Class Fuels Ascendance of 'Greater Mexico'" (peekURL.com/zdrldr1) about a report from the Mexican government's Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IME) finding that such an entity is growing as Mexico's European upper classes establish companies and lives on both sides of the border:

...[Someone says the border doesn't matter since they can jump between countries at will] That reality – and attitude – has caught Mexican officials by surprise. IME Director Carlos Gonzalez y Gutierrez calls these white middle class Mexicans in the United States "Mexico’s transforming agents," adding that, "although they send many things that benefit us, they also send other things that harm us. But we are tied to each other."...


I’m trying to eliminate some of the confusion regarding illegal aliens and the use of three terms: Hispanic, Latino and immigrant. Hispanic As a 40-year resident of North Texas, I’ve become accustomed to the following definition of the term “Hispanic.” It’s an American, not English, word derived from the Spanish word Hispanohablantes, which means "Spanish speaker." It encompasses Spain, Puerto Rico and The Philippines, et al. But Spanish is not spoken in about half of South America where Portuguese, French, Dutch, Guarani and English also are official languages. And many Caribbean nations have chosen official languages other than Spanish. The point is the term “Hispanic” is neither race nor ethnic group. Latino Similarly, the term Latino also is an American word originating around 1945 and derived from Latinoamericano or Latin-American. It carries a powerful 60-year old connotation of citizenship. Immigrant Finally, the term “immigrant” refers to people who have come to America through the use of a process established by law. Thus, the term “illegal immigrant” is oxymoronic and the term “legal immigrant” is redundant. Often hidden behind the term “immigrant,” is an illegal alien. The Debate Open-borders activists, liberals, Mexicans, Democrats, La Raza, LULAC, MALDEF, ACLU, and many others intentionally misuse these terms because it commingles 20 million outlaws with three distinct and well-defined groups. Mixing illegal aliens with sovereign Hispanic nations, Latino citizens and immigrants, creates a confusing, amorphous blob of humanity that defies description. Illegal aliens survive in this confusion in the same way that birds survive in flocks and fish survive in schools. The problem is most illegal aliens are not Spanish, Puerto Rican or Filipino. And they’re neither citizens nor immigrants. They’re simply what their national labels say they are. Bluntly, they’re Mexican, Iraqi, Guatemalan, Chinese, Salvadoran, et al. But hiding in this amorphy makes it difficult for law-abiding Americans to focus on them. Certainly the moms & pops who work for a living have little time to deal with such fine details. In America, the terms Black, Amerind and several others, clearly imply American citizenship. I’d opine the term Latino fits squarely into this group and denotes American citizenship. Certainly it means neither Hispanic nor immigrant. This definition also works for the many children born to second- and third-generation Latinos who cannot read or write Spanish. Due to confusion regarding the term hispanic, our nation struggles to find a term the activists would have us use to describe these children. It’s not a major problem though, because most of these folks prefer the simpler term “citizen” or American. If a moniker is needed, Latino is good but to reduce confusion, keep in mind it also means citizen. Pro-illegal-alien activists and racists really hate this clarification because it rem