AOL takes pro-illegal immigration side, spreads AILA propaganda

AOL (America Online) has created a new immigration section for their AOL Latino channel. It features a blog with a La Opinion-style slant, such as refering to the Minuteman Project as "caza-inmigrantes" (migrant hunters) [1] That post also uses phrases like "indocumentados" and "antiinmigrantes" (refering to the rhetoric of Romney and Giuliani).

They're doing this in collaboration with the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), a far-left group. Documents from that group are available, such as "The Truth About the DREAM Act" [2], which contains such very doubtful claims as the assertion that the DREAM Act wouldn't increase illegal immigration. They also provide helpful links to "".

Oddly enough, AOL doesn't seem to have made room for those who oppose illegal immigration. Finding nuggets at the site is left as an exercise, but unless we're willing to start a boycott of AOL there's probably not much that could be done.




well yes AOL Needs the drug money that mexico city and send.

Chupacabra [1]. Enough said.

[1] en.wikipedia . org/wiki/Chupacabra

There is no one left at AOL,it is just a shell of its old self.The chiefs are long gone just very low level useful fools pulling the levers and pushing the buttons !