NY Sen. Jose M. Serrano supports Spitzer's illegal aliens driver's licenses

New York state senator Jose Serrano supports New York governor Eliot Spitzer's scheme to give illegal aliens driver's licenses. In this post he discusses an appearance on the Lou Dobbs show: first he race-baits and plays the victim card, implying that those who support enforcement of our immigration laws are racists. That, of course, is to be expected. Then:
The 9/11 Commission determined that restricting access to driver's licenses based on immigration status would not have prevented the attacks.

In fact, in the long list of proposals to make the licensing system more secure, the Commission explicitly did not recommend denying driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants as a measure that would prevent another attack.

The Commission did, however, recommend that states take immediate steps to increase the security of their licenses, which is an integral part of the Governor's plan.
I strongly suspect that he's not telling the whole truth. While I've discussed Chapter 3 of the 9/11 Commission Staff Report as well as other parts, I don't have time to scour the full report in order to find out whether he's lying and what he isn't telling us. However, you can leave comments at the link if you're more familiar with this and would like to discredit him.

See also:
The 9/11 hijackers and driver's licenses
9/11 hijacker used bypass code to obtain California [driver's] license
9/11 hijackers were illegal aliens; Senate bill would have given them a loophole
"Immigration Laws Might Have Stopped Sept. 11 Plot"

DOH UPDATE: I originally stated this was from Rep. Jose E. Serrano, but now I see this is from someone else: Jose M. Serrano, a state senator and not a Congressman.


Anybody named Jose is going to take it for granted that for Senator Joe Everyman, (R), the R stands for "racist."