Spotlight on Gould Construction

Gould Construction is the Colorado construction company featured in Tom Brokaw's pro-illegal immigration propaganda piece from NBC. After that show aired, they claim to have received 600 phone calls from job applicants, as well as a quantity of "hate mail". While I certainly wouldn't mind seeing them coming under some degree of scrutiny vis-a-vis their hiring practices, they are ultimately small fry and just the vessel that Brokaw's handlers used to promulgate their message.

So, let me suggest that everyone calls NBC Nightly News with their thoughts on the show. I believe their phone number is: 212-664-4971.


When I saw that I thought that Gould was imprudent to appear on the show.

Like they have anything to fear, given the Bush administration's enforcement record.

And I guess always having to be 'prudent' -- i.e. closed, evasive, furtive, dishonest -- in your PR and/or business dealings is a small price to pay in order to make a little extra money.

Since the Bush administration and the Dem leadership have declared a state of lawlessness and anarchy on the immigration front Gould deserves whatever he gets. An action against him would be the same as an act against the tyranny in Washington. Unfortunately, if someone commits a crime against him that fool(or martyr) will find out how effective and punitive the Feds can be when they want to be. Remember Waco; Remember Ruby Ridge; Remember BP Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.

When I saw that I thought that Gould was imprudent to appear on the show. I'm not surprised to hear about the hate mail, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he received threats and vandalism.