Infiltrator watch: DailyKos meets sharia law

The DailyKos user "cador" continues his trolling of DailyKos with this (warning: pics posted in comments NSFW):
One of the many benefits of immigration is the fact that we can adopt many non-Western concepts of law and justice which are much more progressive than traditionally oppressive, patriarchal, racist and sexist European laws...

[quotes from "Sharia law is spreading as authority wanes"]

...Let us replace the tyranny of Pat Robertson and the Religious REICH with the freedom-giving Sharia law which is known to be tolerant of womyn's rights and the GLBT community. Pym Fortuyn would certainly approve.

Although we here at the kos community have many misgivings about the Resident-in-Thief, George "DUMBYA" Bush, we should urge the newly elected Democratic Congress to implement his guest worker program so that we can bring in many more immigrants to enrich and improve our culture...
Previously: Infiltrator watch: DailyKos meets demographic hegemony


you also did not say a thing about cost of cops and jails and our prison system, so if we have mexican/ bin laden/muslim sharia laws, we can just beheading anyone who gets out of line for any reason, yes sounds like the way to go just like mexico and the third world mass killers it works in mexico right?..oh wait 50,000 murders each year inside mexico city.