More on "NAFTA Plus" and "North America"

From this:
Without announcing his intentions to do so, President Bush has decided to support the creation of a North American Union through a process of governmental regulations, never having to bring the issue before the American people for a clear referendum or vote.

The Bush Administration has decided to "back-door" the creation of a North American Union political entity that would effectively erase our borders with Mexico and Canada and create several super-regional governing bodies that would have jurisdiction over the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court...
Much more at the link, and recall that earlier this week Vicente Fox had this to say:
"The future of North America must guarantee great competitiveness, greater regional security..."
In 2002 he said:
"Eventually, our long-range objective is to establish with the United States, but also with Canada, our other regional partner, an ensemble of connections and institutions similar to those created by the European Union..."
More in "CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada", Should you trust anything Sen. John Cornyn says?, Charlie Norwood on CATO's latest anti-American proposal, and The "New Partnership in North America": double-plus NAFTA


its called police state( North American Union) and who will control it? mexico city drug dealers is it now time to see it for what it is? the global guys are moving for the big kill and the so called American people don't really care, so what is wrong with this police state? someday you will understand what police state means but by that time you will be inside one big camp called the NAU, And if you think that would be ok, may God help you! But I think god will just say no to you!

Such proposals are about as desirable as wanting to 'globalize' the world's disease burden. They reveal hatred against civilization and human progress, which requires some regions to move far ahead, not be held down to the globalized average.