Mexico to US: take our potential rioters, please

The column "Could riots such as in Paris occur elsewhere?" from Mexico's Ana Maria Salazar says that Mexico could have similar riots to those that occurred in France. But:

One important factor, however, has greatly helped reduce the risk of riots and violence in Mexico. There is an "escape valve" that the poor and discriminated in Europe do not have: the possibility of crossing illegally into the United States and getting a job. Authorities have calculated this "escape valve" has permitted more then 400,000 Mexicans to cross into the United States each year. Perhaps it is this factor alone that has stopped major uprisings in Mexico during the last couple of decades...

And, all America thanks the Mexican government for sending its people to us, thereby avoiding necessary reforms. But, what about all those potential rioters that Mexico has gifted us with?

As Paris burns, U.S. legislators will probably push for a bill that systematically seeks to close the "escape valve" by closing the U.S.-Mexico border. Ironically, they would be shutting down the very thing that could be preventing the riots that they fear.

Of course, if that were coming from a government official it would be a threat. As it is, it's just a warning.

We need to slowly back away from this issue by working to disincentivize illegal immigration and encouraging as many potential rioters as possible to go home.

Better the riots occur there than here. After all, our elected politicians are paid to prevent things like rioting, and perhaps they should do their jobs.


The escape valve, will not be closed off in any real way.

the fact is someday we will see mass riots here but to help in the making of aztlan. the fact is that is why the border have been and will never be closed until aztlan is a real place and someday the mass murder will start but against anyone not mexican and the murder will happen soon and by this government wanting its "new deal".

you and any American One standing against that evil deal making will be targeted and called a terrorists.
and you will not be in the picture or on earth, listen to what Bush and you government has already said about this Nation and its people.
he and all the rats in government fed and state will fall in line for what is now being called reunification with mexico.
think thats nuts do you? by the way you will start to hear the political propaganda its already started in some places.