You've endured three years of this?

A few days ago, this site quietly celebrated its third anniversary. Very shortly thereafter, traffic picked up markedly, due to a bit of a fluke involving people searching for the picture provided here. Slightly good for my gigantic ego, but a) this is a news and politics blog, and b) celebrity sites aren't usually as big an earner as sites involved in products people want to buy.

Nevertheless, I was happy to see the graphic above, in which I am currently the 87th most highly-trafficked web site. Among blogs that use sitemeter and that are monitored by the ecosystem, that is.

I believe one of the major reasons why this site doesn't get as much traffic as it should is because, let's face it, most bloggers are partisan hacks. They only link to people who confirm their beliefs rather than challenge them.

Needless to say, this site has a different perspective and, while it has a definite right-ward tilt I have no problem with calling things as they really are.