What is a food blog?

Insty directs our attention to the an article in the Tennessean entitled "World-wide recipe swap". In the following excerpt, see if you can notice the slight change I've made to their text in order to elevate this blog above the rest:

...Blog is a shortened version of "Web log," which is an online personal journal. There are thousands out there, some personal, some professional, focused on everything from sports to politics to . . . well, food.

What elevates a blog is that it usually contains hyperlinks (for example, a link to a Web site selling the whisk a cook is raving about). And most blogs allow you to leave comments and read comments left by others, a particularly helpful feature when you want to know how others have fared in trying a recipe...

I'm just trying to help.

Now, if you have an abundance of spare time, you might wonder, why did I spend the time to read through this article to that point? Because I'm considering starting something similar. It will probably use MT, and it'll have recipes but it'll also have other things as well. Stay tuned.